Hi there, it’s great to be back after some time away, thanks
for finding your way to Write Away – the blog for small businesses,
freelancers, and anyone with a healthy desire to cut loose from paid employment
and work for themselves.
In this post we deal with engaging and using an accountant for your small business.
A lot of small business owners start their business armed with
a specific set of skills, knowledge or experience. One of self-employments biggest
challenges is how to plug a gap in that knowledge in areas you may have never
needed to understand or be involved in.
For a large proportion of small business owners and
freelancers, the financial management of the business, specifically matters
relating to tax and accounting would probably be the area most likely to induce
a cold sweat! Unless you are an accountant by trade, why would you need this
knowledge anyway!
So now you’re up and running, you need an accountant, right?
Well, yes is the short answer, but you need to ask yourself
what your specific needs are, because that’s what any accountant you contact
will ask you.
Some business owners only use an accountant once a year, to
help calculate their tax liability, others use their accountant as a trusted
advisor and involve them in key business decisions.
Often, as small businesses start to grow, tasks such as
bookkeeping, which didn’t use to be a big job, grow, and a business owner’s
time should be spent building their business rather than raising and posting
invoices into their accounting software.
There is no right or wrong answer, but key, regardless of
how much or little you plan to use them, is finding an accountant who will take
time to understand your business, your needs, and make themselves available
when you need them.
There are a lot of accountants out there, some are
specialists in regulatory and tax areas, others focus on management accounting
and providing business owners with analysis of key financial management areas
such as cash flow and overdue debts.
Links to finding an accountant from the main professional
bodies are below, next time we will look at useful information you might look
to your accountant to provide, to help you manage your small businesses
Until next time…..
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